Sewage, fruit flies, unsafe food temps: Restaurant inspections in San Bernardino County, Sept. 9-15 – San Bernardino Sun

2022-09-24 00:40:18 By : Ms. Jacy Chen

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San Bernardino County health inspectors did not report shutting down any food facilities because of imminent health hazards between Sept. 9 and 15, 2022.

Here are selected inspections at facilities that weren’t closed but had other significant issues.

The Wingstop at 9765 Sierra Ave. Suite A in Fontana was inspected Sept. 14 and received a grade of 81/B with one critical violation. The floor sink under the food-prep sink was overflowing when the water was running. The restaurant didn’t have to close but the inspector said not to use that sink until it was fixed. Among the nine other violations, there was black mold in the chute of an ice machine, the men’s restroom didn’t have soap, an employee didn’t know how long to sanitize dishes and some cooked french fries had been left at room temperature for about two hours. The inspector went back later that afternoon and confirmed the floor sink had been fixed.

The 99 Ranch Market at 2959 Chino Ave. in Chino Hills was visited Sept. 13 in response to a complaint that there were a lot of flies in the produce department. The inspector saw more than 20 flies by the potatoes and more than 10 near a box of bananas, plus one in the seafood department. The inspector also said to move a bug zapper that had been installed directly above an open display refrigerator. There was one other violation noted, for someone not washing hands or changing gloves after handling raw meat.

National Buffet, at 16920 Slover Ave. in Fontana, which received a 77/C on July 29 and self-closed because the walk-in cooler and three other fridges weren’t working, underwent a mandatory rescore inspection Sept. 12. This time, it got an 84/B. There was one critical violation: Nine trays of food at the buffet weren’t being kept hot enough, and other items weren’t cold enough at the buffet and in a refrigerator that was 66 degrees inside. Among the 10 other violations, the inspector saw one dead cockroach in a floor sink; the manager said the restaurant doesn’t get professional pest control service but employees spray weekly. Another follow-up was planned within a week to make sure the hot and cold holding equipment was working and there was no cockroach infestation. This was the restaurant’s seventh B or C grade out of nine graded inspections in the past five years, and it’s been shut down twice in that span, including earlier this year because of cockroaches.

The Dave & Buster’s at 4821 Mills Circle in Ontario was inspected Sept. 8 and received a grade of 80/B. There were two critical violations, both related to food not being at safe temperatures in a refrigerated drawer that wasn’t keeping cold. About 85 steaks, chicken fillets and salmon fillets had to be discarded, as well as a few pounds of grilled mozzarella and onions. Among the seven other violations, mold was beginning to form in three ice machines (but wasn’t touching ice), a handwashing sink didn’t have soap or a soap dispenser and there were several fruit flies inside. A follow-up the next day found that the refrigerated drawer was working properly. The restaurant requested a rescore inspection and got a 90/A on Sept. 13, but there was one critical violation — there were still fruit flies in the restaurant, and they’d gotten into two bottles of liquor.

The Arby’s at 670 S. E St. in San Bernardino, which was shut down for the second time in a month on Sept. 7 because of overflowing sewage, was permitted to reopen again Sept. 8.

This list is published online on Fridays. Any updates as restaurants are reopened will be included in next week’s list.

All food facilities in the county are routinely inspected to ensure they meet health codes. A facility loses four points for each critical violation and one to three points for minor violations. An A grade (90 to 100 points) is considered “generally superior,” a B grade (80 to 89) is “generally acceptable” and a C grade (70 to 79) is “generally unacceptable” and requires a follow-up inspection. A facility will be temporarily closed if it scores below 70 or has a critical violation that can’t be corrected immediately.

For more information on inspections of these or any restaurants in San Bernardino County, visit To file a health complaint, go to or call 800-442-2283.

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