Partial cloudiness early, with scattered showers and thunderstorms overnight. Low 77F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%..
Partial cloudiness early, with scattered showers and thunderstorms overnight. Low 77F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%.
By Jeter's Thursday 3p-7p Friday 9a-2p Saturday 9a-3p 2705 CR 696 Brazoria (off Hwy 36 across from Junior High) HOUSE and GARAGE FULL! Freezer-Washer -Dryer Furniture incl. 2 king beds, dressers, nightstands, Farmhouse table, kitchen table, 2 couches, side tables, lift chair, 5 display cabinets, kitchen items, books, bookcases, clothes, vintage toys, tools, project pieces, sewing machine, bird figurines, crystal, Waterford, Llardo, paintings, so much more!! Shari 979-709-3238
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