Beer Foolishness - Heineken Issues Scam Alert - St. Lucia Times News

2022-09-16 23:50:38 By : Mr. Sky Zhang

Heineken Saint Lucia Ltd. has issued an alert regarding a WhatsApp message offering individuals a chance to win a mini fridge full of Heineken beer.

The WhatsApp message greets people with a bold ‘Hello’ and welcomes them to ‘the Heineken Beer Oktoberfest 2022 Giveaway.’

“Take the quiz, find the hidden prize, and win a Mini Fridge full of Heineken Beer,” the message declares.

But Heineken Saint Lucia Ltd. has advised its customers that the company does not have any such promotion currently.

“Any such promotions from our company and brands will always be shared first on our official channels and platforms,” Heineken stated.

The company’s Corporate Affairs Manager Louise Victor told St Lucia Times that Heineken Saint Lucia Ltd. got wind of the fake promotion on Wednesday.

Victor noted that contrary to the WhatsApp message, there is no Oktoberfest 2022.

As a result, Victor advised customers not to be taken in or forward the fake promotion.

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